CPR – Be Prepared

CPR and the use of Defibrillators

Cardiac Arrest can happen anywhere !

– in your home, on an outing,

– or maybe even at a Club meeting! 

So would you know what steps to take, and in what order?

and the best advice will come from Ambulance Victoria!

Ambulance Victoria can provide a highly trained Paramedic as your club’s guest speaker who can clearly explain CPR procedure and, in particular, can demonstrate the use of a Defibrillator. Thereby one day you may save a life.

If your club does not possess its own defibrillator, find out whether there is one accessible in or near your club’s meeting place. It could be the means of saving a life!

To arrange for such a speaker, contact

Ambulance Victoria Community Education & Engagement

Phone: 1300 794 453

Email: community.education@ambulance.vic.gov.au


See second and third pages under this heading  for CPR information supplied by

Ambulance Victoria