Insurance for Clubs



The National Insurance Programs in Australia and New Zealand provide coverage for approved activities. These activities include any event organised by a Club or Association such as meetings, outings, tours, trips and interest groups.

The approval of an activity should be reflected in the Club’s or Association’s minutes. When assessing whether or not to approve an activity, the Management Committee should consider all of the information related to

that activity in order to be able to approve it. This would normally include interest from members, location, availability, cost and risk assessment.

Management Committee members should ensure that Probus club members understand the coverage provided to them as part of the annual capitation fee.


In Australia the National Insurance Program provides cover for Public Liability, Personal Injury, Association Liability (protection for Club Officers) and Club Money Cover for approved Probus Club activities.

The Certificate of Currency and summary of the coverage provided in the 2020-2021 National Insurance Program can be found by clicking the relevant links below

Need to make a claim or report an accident, injury or incident

Clubs and Associations should report any injury, accidents or injuries involving Club members or guests to PSPL by lodging the Accident/Injury/Incident Report Form as soon as practicable. A report should be lodged with PSPL regardless of whether or not medical attention was required. The Accident/Injury Incident Report Form is available in two formats below for your convenience. The relevant claim form will be provided by PSPL once the Accident/Injury/Incident Report Form has been lodged with PSPL.



Club Property Cover

The National Insurance Programs do not provide cover for Club property. Clubs have the option of contacting PSPL’s insurance broker, AON Risk Services, who can provide information on Club property insurance available to Clubs.

For more information please contact AON Risk Services on 1800 786 682 in Australia