Introduction to the Probus Association of Victoria
PAV constitutional requirements for Probus Clubs wishing to join the Association
- Membership of this Association shall be voluntary and restricted to accredited Probus Clubs.
- Upon receipt of a written application for membership from an Accredited Probus Club on the Association’s application for membership form (downloadable from this website – scroll down index on left of this page to ‘Joining PAV’) accompanied by payment of the subscription due, the management Committee shall admit the Club to membership of the Association.
- Each member Club shall be represented by one voting delegate. Additional non-voting delegates may attend meetings as observers, participating in discussions upon invitation of the Chairman.
- There shall be no disciplinary acts against member Clubs, or delegates of member clubs, except as provided by Clause 7(c) relating to non-payment of subscriptions.
- A Club may resign by giving written notice of resignation to the Secretary of PAV.
PAV Constitution signed and approved by delegates 26/11/2018