Membership of PAV


Introduction to the Probus Association of Victoria

PAV constitutional requirements for Probus Clubs wishing to join the Association

  1. Membership of this Association shall be voluntary and restricted to accredited Probus Clubs.
  2. Upon receipt of a written application for membership from an Accredited Probus Club on the Association’s application for membership form (downloadable from this website – scroll down index on left of this page to ‘Joining PAV’) accompanied by payment of the subscription due, the management Committee shall admit the Club to membership of the Association.
  3. Each member Club shall be represented by one voting delegate. Additional non-voting delegates may attend meetings as observers, participating in discussions upon invitation of the Chairman.
  4. There shall be no disciplinary acts against member Clubs, or delegates of member clubs, except as provided by Clause 7(c) relating to non-payment of subscriptions.
  5. A Club may resign by giving written notice of resignation to the Secretary of PAV.



PAV Constitution signed and approved by delegates 26/11/2018